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ICE Europe 2017

ICE Europe 2017

ICE Europe 2017 was the most active converting exhibition in the world. The tenth International Converting Exhibition has focused on diversification of converting techniques and efficient conversion of materials. Approximately, a total of 8,000 visitors from 70 countries with 450 companies from 28 countries attended the show.

With a high degree in international attendance, reflected to the importance of global business contacts at the paper, film and foil converting industry 45% of exhibitors and 49% of visitors were from outside Germany; an all-time record in international attendance.

Sthill Converting Equipments traditionally was at the ICE Europe 2017 and we successfully presented our new products/services. We made reassurance to our existing clients and continue to contribute to their business strategies. And also, The ICE Euope 2017 gave us the opportunity to introduce our company to potential customers and to make them meet with our new products.

We, as Sthill Converting Equipments have always been proud of participating the ICE Europe and creating benefits for the organization with our excitement and energy that we brought. Our next goal is represented by our efforts to become one of the most successful and leading companies in industry at the ICE Europe.We will be at the ICE Europe 2019 and will continue to share our knowledge and experience with our valuable customers.

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