While the coronavirus crisis increasingly alarming all the globe, people demand safe and sterilized food whereas before the crisis plastic packaging were much more low in demand. Dick Searle, chief executive of the Packaging Federation notes: “Packaging is extremely important in circumstances like this.” and he adds “People need to get what they want and safely. We are in totally unchartered territory.”
However, while demand is higher than ever and priorities changed both for firms and individuals, Searle also tells that there would be many firms likely to struggle over the coming months. He notes that while the self quarantine and social distancing kind of restrictions are being applied, it may also mean that we are going to end up in a situation where we have a lot of companies struggling to survive.
Martin Kersh, the executive director of the Foodservice Packaging Association also warns that more needs to be done in the hospitality sector, which is likely to suffer enormously. He continues by demanding some help from governmental institutions about the crisis: “If we are going to maintain food supplies then we must have a packaging industry that is solvent and stays in business. We need a degree of protection. We have a brilliant supply system. The government must be made to understand the industry is integral to food supply. It needs protection. The packaging industry must also not be exploited by pricing terms that are far too low.”